After a hiatus that felt like forever, Gossip Girl is back with the first of the five remaining all-new episodes!
Looks like they're wrapping Season 4 up with Blair's love-rectangle, which is a prime example of the saying "
When it rains, it pours," and this season's second new girl in town, who's bringing with her a secret which was vaguely summed up as "
What happened wasn't so long ago." Both of these plot devices seemed rather underwhelming. First of all, I didn't understand the big fuss about the "Dair" kiss (Freak out much, Vanessa?) Secondly, Charlie (Serena's cousin) is clearly no match for our dearest Juliet Sharp - the single white female situation's been overdone (See: Emily, 90210).
Still, there's always hope that a plot twist lies somewhere underneath all the glamor and piles, after piles, after piles of beautiful clothes....
Photo credit: The CW |
This is the outfit Chuck Bass wore to his 'Modern Royalty' photoshoot, and you just gotta give it to Chuck Bass. This look totally embraces the theme - from the ascot to the brooch, this SHOUTS modern royalty. It has so much texture although it's all black. And it's such a departure from his usual suit and tie numbers. Was super excited to see this look on Chuck.
Photo credit: The CW |
Here's the normal (iconic) Chuck Bass look I was talking about: Paisley (or crazy print) tie, suit with stripes, and a big coat. Speaking of coats, when are they going to change to the Spring/Summer wardrobe on the show? I'm dying to see a Summer look from Chuck, may one for the Hamptons or St. Bart's. We need guidance!
Photo credit: The CW |
William van der Woodsen is back and it seems that he has caught the "ugly plaid shirt syndrome" from the Humphrey's. This actually aged Will and made him look like a suburban dad. And what's with the deal with the 50,000 bracelets on his wrist? Ugh. Eyesore. And hey, Eric van der Woodsen, you too.
Missing Dan Humphrey and Nate Archibald? Check out what they wore after the jump!
Photo credit: The CW |
This is what I was talking about. Dan Humphrey and plaid shirts are inseparable. Doesn't he have any nice t-shirts he can put on once in a while? I get that he was alphabetizing books at home and moping about the kiss with Blair... but maybe he had some underground band t-shirt he can put on, Brooklyn-style? In fact, this is a general question for all the guys on Gossip Girl - does anyone of you own any nice t-shirts? No?
Photo credit: The CW |
Finally, speaking of a lack of new outfits, Nate Archibald was spotted wearing his Gucci pea coat yet again. Does this
ring any bells?
So here it is. Final four episodes to go!