Another week goes by on the Upper East Side, and just like any other week, lots of dramas go down. Friendships and dangerous liaisons alike are broken, mended, and rekindled. As dramas happen, so did the fashionable outfits worn by our favorite Manhattan elites. Let's take a look at what the guys have been wearing this week!
Photo credit: The CW |
I wouldn't be wearing this outfit to the first day of work... but I guess attire etiquette is a little different at fashion magazines. Having that said, I'm really feeling this thick knit cardigan Dan Humphrey was sporting in this episode. Grey knitwear has been huge in FW2010 and looks like Dan is, after all, becoming fashion-savvy after having spent all this time on the Upper East Side.
Photo credit: The CW |
When Damien Dalgaard showed up in this simple, black on grey ensemble, I was like '
Woah!'. That is, gentlemen and gentlemen, the picture definition of
dashing. (Although I'm sure the wind was working to his advantage, too, with the tail of his coat flapping behind him like Batman's cape.) I love the juxtaposition of the structure and formalness of the coat to the softness and casualness of the grey t-shirt. The leather gloves are definite highlights of the look. Now I want a pair of leather gloves!
Photo credit: The CW |
Eric is mostly m.i.a. from the show but this week he made a comeback in this very cute grey duffle coat. Not a fan of the checked shirt and blue sweater but the coat really made the look luxe and you can tell this kid's family is loaded.
A Gossip Girl episode would be incomplete without Chuck Bass and Nate Archibald - find out what they were wearing this week after the jump!
Photo credit: The CW |
I guess if your last name is followed by "Industries", you'll have an endless supply of really nice coats and suits. Chuck Bass proved this case in point once again this week in this burgundy coat and purple tie-and-suit ensemble. 'Nuff said.
Photo credit: The CW |
Also proving another point is Nate Archibald; point being if you're hot enough, you'd look good in a potato sack. Nate looks like a Ralph Lauren model in this plaid shirt plus grey zip-up sweater number, complete with furrowed brows and upswept hair.
Stay tuned for next week's fashion recap!